January 10, 2014

5 on Friday

I think these 5 on Friday posts are a good alternative to my normal phone dump!This was our first week back to our normal routine and we had a great week!

It's been COLD! 
We aren't sure we have ever felt wind chills this cold before! I like cold weather but I do not like not being able to really step outside!

Back to school!
 We love getting back in a routine! However, the first day back a incredibly cold! Ella was not a fan.

On Wednesday, Ella decided she would be Tinkerbell. 
She wore the wings all day. We dropped Kade off in the wings, went to Target in the wings, and she would only answer if you called her Tinkerbell. She makes us laugh!

Breakfast table "makeover."
 My house looks so bare after all the Christmas decorations come down. I found a few things at Home Goods for my table and I love how it looks!

Show and Tell. 
Kade had show and tell this week. They could bring one Christmas gift to show the class. He choose his Lego car that he built himself! He was proud!


1 comment:

  1. love your table! It looks so sweet and inviting! If only mine could look half as cute!
