February 26, 2014

Valentines Party and Chapel

Last week the kids preschool lead chapel for the entire school! They sang a few songs, talked with the principal, and helped out with offering. Kade did awesome! Ella on the other hand had a rough day. She cried (for no reason) for about 2.5 hours. She didn't want to sit with the kids at chapel but when she was with me she didn't want to sit with me. It was exhausting to say the least :) 

After chapel each of their classes had a Valentines party. Ella cried through hers, except for a few minutes when she was excited to eat a donut, haha! We went down to Kade's and we left pretty soon after they exchanged their little valentines with each other. Ella was beyond all control at that point! 

Frosty was still standing! 

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