March 21, 2014

5 on Friday

1. SPRING!!! Yesterday was the first day of spring and we have a few days of spring like weather! I'm not a hot weather person, so I have never wished for warmer weather in my life. But this winter has been rough! 

2. This goes along with number 1 but we have been loving playing outside again. I enjoyed some magazines while the kids napped yesterday. And then we had some fun playing with sidewalk chalk. Ella was not happy so we will have to try again and hope she isn't a sad butterfly next time. Haha! 

3. Frozen! We are totally part of the Frozen frenzy! We love that movie! Ella has been singing 'let it go' and 'do you want to build a snowman' for months now! Bryan learned Let it Go on the guitar and piano so it is requested nightly around here. When the DVD was released Tuesday we had to go pick it up! We watched in the car while we waited to get get Kade from school and then again once we got home. 

4. St. Paddy's Day. We were snowed in this St. Patricks Day. I have to say that is a first. In the past few years I have memories of picnics at the park with friends on this day. We tried to make the best of it but we are all so over snow this season that there was whining from everyone. We did sport our green, and  gathered up snow to make some green snow! 

5. Snow plows. Watching the garbage trucks has always been a highlight around here, after this season we can throw in watching the snow plows. Since it seems we have had a weekly snowstorm, we have had plenty of time to watch them clear the streets! 


  1. Stopping by from the link up. I love the chalk photos! I have wanted to do something like that forever but can't seem to get my little guy to sit still long enough. Have a great weekend

  2. Hello from the link up! Hooray for sunshine, magazines, & sidewalk chalk fun!! Your kids too cute!! Hope your family is enjoying a fabulous weekend!! (:
