March 16, 2014

Bipolar weather

We are very used to crazy weather. Texas weather is pretty bipolar. Up until this point we have talked about how consistent the seasons were here. 

Enter Spring. And now, it's all over the place....from 70s to snowstorms. The only way we are handling the snow at this point is knowing that a warm up should be quick to follow. We had almost a week of gorgeous spring like weather! We spent it outside every chance we could get. Play dates at the park, bike rides, baseball in the backyard, hikes, tourist days in DC... it has been glorious! And it all came to an abrupt end as it is currently snowing and we are expected to get around 6 inches. 

You have to take the good with the bad and we are trying to make the best of it. I have some projects tomorrow that involved making green snow for St. Patricks Day. So we will see how that goes! 

Two weekends ago we hiked nearly 5 miles over the course of the weekend and these two did awesome! 

On Saturday we met Matt at Arlington cemetery. He is heading home in a few weeks and we wanted him to give us a tour of the cemetery before he left! He does color guard in the Army for funerals there so he had a lot of insight! 

These are from a week or so ago... During our last snowstorm. I think we can only handle so many more games and puzzles before we lose our minds :) 

I was cleaning up the house and K called me over to show me he did his States map puzzle all by himself! He was so proud!! 

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