May 6, 2014

Historic Ships

I bought a groupon for a tour of four historic ships that sit in the Baltimore harbor. I thought it would make for a fun outing. We decided to go last weekend and it was so much fun! Kade loves exploring things like this! 

We saw four different ships that covered all parts of history. One was the USS Constellation which was used prior to the civil war to try to stop the slave trade from Africa! This was probably my favorite. We also toured a submarine, a lighthouse boat, and a Coast Guard boat that was one of the ships that survived the bombing of Pearl Harbor. It was a fun family activity! We really enjoyed Baltimore, the harbor area is really fun! 

A lot of the stuff was interactive so the kids could actually try things out! 

Just hanging around in the sleeping quarters.

Bryan was a little tall for this part of the boat! 

The submarine was Kade's favorite.

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