May 15, 2014

Potty power!

I can happily say that we are DONE WITH DIAPERS! I have been buying diapers for nearly 5 years now. For one for year I was buying diapers for two kids. Diapers have a been a way of life for us for long time. I have never been so excited to walk past the diapers aisles at the store and know that we are DONE with that part of the baby stage. 

Ella Claire potty trained like a pro! I was kinda surprised but after very few accidents she was well on her way. And now there is no going back. This past week she has even woken up dry in the morning and after nap! She wakes up and immediately takes her self to the bathroom! 

We are all loving this new sense of freedom!! 

After a week of successful pottying, she got to pick out a special prize. It was tough to narrow down to just one. 

She did however decide on the Little Mermaid. That mermaid hasn't left her side since! 

We are so proud of our big girl!! 

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