July 21, 2014

New york, New york!!!!

A week after Brandi and the kids left, my mom and Hailey came up to visit. My mom has promised all grandkids that when they turn 10 she will take them on a trip of their choice. Hailey picked NYC so they decided to stop by here a for a few days and let me tag along with them. It was awesome!

Here is Hailey, ready to head off on a two week adventure!

When the sun starts to set we have hundreds of fireflies come out. They are seriously everywhere, I've never seen anything like it! The kids spend a lot of time catching them in jars. Kade is a pro, he can get 5-6 in there in no time!!

At the train station and ready to go! We took the Amtrack from BWI to Penn Station in New York.

One side of our hotel looked out on Times Square and the other side looked out over Central Park. It was a great hotel!

Top of the Empire State Building

I got everyone up and drug them to the Today show one morning. We were too late to get a good spot so we just watched from behind the gates until the security guard told us to leave :)

One night we saw Wicked. For some reason the whole storyline of this musical never interested me but I LOVED this show! It was awesome. And seeing Hailey experience Broadway musicals was such a highlight!

We loved our tour of Lady Liberty!

One night we saw the Lion King, and as expected it was awesome!

We went to the 9-11 museum. It had just opened and it was a really great museum and memorial. Mom and I could have stayed for a long time but we could tell it was getting to be too much for Hay so we decided to call it quits and leave. We didn't want her to be scared. 

The last night this little lady got to experience something really cool. The day before we left my mom found this acting class that had one spot available on the last night we were there. She signed Hailey up for something special to do. Brad was about to have a heart attack, he was very skeptical about her going to some acting class in a giant city that we knew absolutly nothing about. I couldn't blame him, but we promised that if for any reason it look sketchy we would not let her go. We watched you tube videos of the studio. etc and it all seemed ok. The class was with some guy (who is apparantly big time in the world of child acting)  who casts for the Disney Channel. We didn't care about any of that, this girl just loves to act and we thought an acting class in NYC is a pretty cool experience for her. She had to pick from multiple scripts and memorize her lines. She blew nanny and I away, her were memorized in no time and she was full on in character!

On Saturday night we got to the class, and it was the real deal. All kids have resumes and head shots. And most couldn't believe that we got a last minute spot in the class. One stage mom said she had a trip lined up for her and her daughter to go to LA to take a class from this guy. But that they ate the money and did the one in NYC once they found out he was coming for workshops. (Whoa, hello crazy!) Stage moms and all the class was really fun for her! She was without a doubt the most outgoing of the group and her personality was shining before class even started, she was most definitely in her element. When we picked her up she was all smiles and was talking 100 miles per hour. She LOVED the class and had so much fun!!


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