August 18, 2014

Monticello and Lurray Caverns

The four of us have had so much fun taking day adventures.  We have SOOOO much at our fingertips and I can't imagine not seeing as much as possible. Typically on Friday night Bryan and I talk about how we are wanting to do something new so we pull out a list we have made and go from there. I love that he loves adventures as much as I do! The kids love them as well, they get so excited to load up for an adventure. I love what all they are learning along the way.

One Saturday in July we headed two hours west in Virginia to Monticello, the estate of Thomas Jefferson. The history was amazing and the views were unbelievable. We took a tour of the house and spent the morning exploring the grounds. I would say this is a must do! The drive itself to Monticello was worth the trip, farm after farm of gorgeous old colonial estates. I was in heaven!

Once we tour Monticello we loaded up in the car and drove another 45 minutes to Lurray Caverns. The kids had been patiently waiting all day for this. They were so excited to go into a cave, and it didn't disappoint!

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