October 9, 2014

Disney World Day 3- Magic Kingdom

We spent the most time in Magic Kingdom on the trip because it really is the best park for little ones. We were up bright and early for rope drop. Bryan would make fun of me because we were always so early but it's better than being late! We would be at the bus stop an hour before we wanted to be there just in case and the buses got us there super fast! I wanted to see the welcome show at 8:45 and I think we were there by 8. :) Oh well!

We all had on matching shirts this day, Bryan was super excited. :))

Magic Kingdom was a ghost town that morning so we rode a lot of rides before out breakfast at Chef Mickeys! 

Kade was dying to ride the tomorrowland speedway so we went there first thing and rode it twice. We did several others rides and were able to do a few more than once due to no lines. 

We had a fast pass for 7 dwarfs mine train and it was really fun. But this picture of Ella on the ride makes me laugh  so hard! I think she was so scared, but didn't care because she was tall enough to ride. We rode it a few others times during the week and she never wanted to sit out but her face was always the same. And Kade, he was a roller coaster maniac this week! He rode EVERYTHING, hands up and all!!

We had breakfast at Chef Mickeys and on our way out we stopped to see Tinkerbell. 

We went to breakfast with Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Daisy. and Goofy. Unfortunately I have no pictures of this either! Just one as we entered the restaurant. But the kids loved this meal. 

After breakfast we went to Enchanted Tales with Belle to use our fast pass. This was AWESOME! This might have been one of our favorite things from the entire week. 

After Belle, we rode a few rides and then grabbed a spot for the Festival of Fantasy parade. Ella napped through the parade but she really needed to sleep so we didn't dare wake her. :)

 When Rapunzel's float went by Flynn Rider pointed directly at Kade and smiled and gave him a thumbs up. This was his reaction, I loved Disney for so many reasons but their ability to make each kids feel so special is the best part. Kade just couldn't get over it, he thought it was awesome! This entire parade was over the top and amazing!

After this we rode rides all the way until the fireworks. Pirates, It's a small world, Haunted Mansion, Winnie the Pooh, and so many more. It was such a fun afternoon!!

We got stuck on Pirates and listened to "Yo ho ho ho a pirate's life for me" on repeat. 

Boys vs Girls on Buzz light year and they beat us bad. 

We also got stuck on Its a Small World. And while it looks like Ella is picking her nose, she really just had an itch. (I hope :)) 

 Under the sea was so cute!!

We grabbed dinner and after that we heard an announcement that the Electrical Parade was canceled due to rain. We asked someone about the fireworks and they they would for sure go on so we stayed. We went to grab a spot to watch the fireworks from and were easily able to get a spot front and center. I took the kids down Main Street to look around and people were leaving by the thousands, it was crazy! I guess they thought all the nighttime stuff was canceled. It was barely sprinkling at this point!! Either way it worked out for us and this night ended up being one of my favorites all week long. There was just something so special about it. 

After the fireworks were over we just kind of hung out taking pictures and waiting for the crowds around us to leave. Once we left it was easy to get out and get right on the bus to head back. Everyday I would think that the day couldn't be better than the day before but it was. This day was amazing!

Main Street was so cute at night!!

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