November 17, 2014

Daily Snapshots

So much goodness in our day to day lives. :) 

Also, as I was adding pictures I realized it was mostly pictures of Ella. I'm sure it is just a stage but Kade won't let me take his picture at all right now. He literally runs away. Ella on the other hand runs over to pose and asks me a lot to please take a picture. So whether it's a phase or a boy vs girl thing, who knows?!  It is what it is!

Elsa was dance, dance, dancing away at Home Depot on Friday night. 

We saw Big Hero this weekend. It was a great movie! 

I wish I could trade her places while we grocery shop! 

Working on her backbend at 'nastics.' 

Oh how many times a day do I get this look...

EC had a dentist appointment today. She told the dentist that all of her teeth broke out of her mouth but not to worry because I glued them all back in. Where in the world does she come up with this stuff?!?!

I need to make a seperate post of our family pictures but I love, love, love this one of Kade! 

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