March 16, 2015

17 weeks

Bryan informed me that I haven't been taking belly pictures with baby 3 like I did with Kade and Ella. I feel like time is flying by at lightening speed but I definitely do not want to forget to document this pregnancy! 

I'm 17 weeks and honestly I can't believe that. The first trimester seemed so long but when I think back it really did go by in the blink of an eye. I feel like this baby will be here before we know it! 

I am for the most part over the 24/7 nausea and I am so thankful for that! It lasted all the way through the 15th week and I felt like there was no end in sight! There are still things that set me off (like the heater blowing on me in the car and the smell of laundry detergent.. So random) but overall I am able to eat normal food again. 

I am exhausted. So so so exhausted. I am waiting for that second trimester energy but I'm thinking that with the two big kids keeping me busy that it's a lost cause. I wake up with energy and simple things like getting everyone dressed make me exhausted again. It's really ridiculous. But growing a human is no easy task, haha! 

My cravings are identical to my pregnancy with Kade. I can't get enough fruit or honestly just fruit flavored food. It all sounds so good to me! 

At this point we knew the gender with both Kade and Ella. Our anatomy scan is in a couple of weeks but we are still set on not finding out!  We are just so excited to get a glimpse at our tiniest family member. 

For the record, I think the baby is a boy and Bryan thinks it is a girl. I have been right twice so we shall see who is right this time! 

Selfies are so awkward so I made sure to crop out my face, haha! 

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