March 3, 2015

Big girl bike!!

On Friday we took Ella to the store and let her pick out a new bike. Up until this point she has only had hand me downs from Kade so it was time for her to have her very own bike! We could have waited until her birthday but by that point we will be half way through the warm season and I wanted her to be able to use it as much as possible. 

She picked out a princess bike and off she went with NO training wheels! I've said it once and I'll say it again, second born kids are just scrappy. They learn how to do stuff on their own and want to be like their older siblings that nothing holds them back! I can't imagine how our next little one will be! I will never forget standing and talking to Bryan on the driveway and Ella (who had just turned 2!) came barreling out of the garage on the balance bike screaming "waaaaahhhhooooo!" Not only did we not realize she knew how to ride the balance bike but she was a pro on it! It was awesome and hilarious! Ella has always been pretty intense so her hoping on a bike at 3.5 years old and taking off without training wheels shouldn't surprise us in the least! 

There were a few tears of frustration because she couldn't figure out why she was hitting the brakes. But overall this little lady is awesome! 

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