March 26, 2011

Baby 2 is...

a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am still in shock and can't believe it! We are just so excited and so ready to meet this sweet, precious baby girl. Bryan and I have been talking about it all day and we are just both SO EXCITED!!!! We have been blessed beyond belief! And I did NOT keep it a secret from everyone. The moment we left I told Bryan that there was no way I could keep it a secret, and both of our parents knew within about 2 minutes of leaving the sonogram! We already have it narrowed down to two names, Ella Claire and Addison (fill in the blank.) My favorite is Ella, Bryan's is Addison. I am going to go ahead and say that I have more pull on this one and I am fairly certain that we are going to end up with an Ella Claire Stephens in September :)) Here are a few pictures from this morning. They actually weren't too great, most of them are potty shots (which I am not going to post on this blog/all over the internet) but I will go ahead and add the others that we got!

Somewhat of a profile shot:

Crazy alien shot!

Her sweet arm up by her face!!

March 25, 2011

One more day!

Tomorrow we find out if Baby 2.0 is a boy or girl! I am so excited!

Bryan says boy, I say girl. And since Kade doesn't have a clue as to what is going on, I will put him on my team and say he says girl too!

When I was pregnant with Kade, I said boy and Bryan said girl.

I wonder who will be right this time?!

Conversation with a 1 year old?

Yup I didn't think it was possible. I mean I can talk to Kade all day and for the most part he understands what I say. But he has been a slow talker so I don't hear that much out of him. But this morning, I asked him a question and he RESPONDED. Now let me say this, I don't think this technically counts as a "conversation" but when you are a stay at home mom and you spend your day talking to a one year old I will take ANY response as a conversation. I have been waiting for the day that he responds to something I say to him (other than a smile or a laugh :) and this morning it happened!! It went something like this:

Me,"Kade are you hungry for breakfast? Do you want some oatmeal?"


So like I said, not a real conversation and if someone told me this story before I was a parent I would think they were ridiculous. But it is the little things once you are a mom, and it has made my entire day! Obviously so since I am making an entire post about it :)

March 22, 2011

Little Gym Fun!

Kade and I have been doing the Little Gym now for over a year. I really can't believe it. I really love taking Kade to the gym. It is just a fun and special bonding experience that we can do together. I mean you are given about 3 years where you can be in the class doing it with them, so I am going to take advantage! And I fully plan on still doing Little Gym with Kade after the new baby arrives. I think it will be good one on one time with Kade, which I think will be very important. I never bring my camera with me, but I did this morning and grabbed a few of Kade playing!

On our way out the door!

Kade and Em having a little chat!

This morning Kade walked on the beam all by himself for the first time (with the help of the bars!)

Update on Baby 2.0

Just a quick update on Baby 2. Nothing to exciting to report. I can't believe how fast time seems to be flying with this pregnancy! I am just about 16 weeks, and we find out if baby is a boy or girl on Saturday! We are so excited, but still deciding if we are going to tell everyone or keep it a secret. We will see! I am feeling great and getting so much energy back! As soon as we get some new ultrasound pictures I will make sure to put them up!

Gracie and Kade

Yesterday I took Kade out to get his 18 month/Easter pictures all in one. Or more like TRIED to take his pictures. I had the brilliant idea to bring Gracie along to get some of the two of them together. It turned out to be a disaster, neither of them would listen and were running in the opposite direction. I was sweating and running around like crazy to keep them off the street. It was bad, and needless to say I won't try that again unless Bryan is with me. 

BUT among all that chaos, I did manage to get this picture. and I LOVE IT! Kade loves Gracie and tries to kiss her ALL.DAY.LONG. and every once in a while Grace just goes with it and licks him as big as she can across his face. :))

I will try again with Kade because I do not like how any of the other pictures turned out, except these two. I thought they were cute. But I want a picture of him looking (and smiling!) at the camera!!

His sweet little feet in the first picture makes me smile :) 

March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

All I wanted today was to get ONE picture of Kade smiling and looking at the camera is his green St. Patrick's Day outfit! Well, considering that is IMPOSSIBLE I guess these will have to do!

Park time!

We have been going to the park A LOT lately! Just about every day! We are so spoiled to the fact that our neighborhood park is only a few steps from our house! While we were there one morning I grabbed a few pics of Kade!!

Random Pictures!

Just several random pics of Kade from this month!

Niece on the way!

Brad and Kristen had everyone over to announce the sex of their new little one on the way! I had my bets on boy, but I was wrong! Looks like it is girl number 3 for them and I am SO SO SO excited and happy for them! Now just can't wait to find out what we are having! Being only 3 weeks apart, these two new babies are sure to be best friends!!