September 29, 2011

The Lion King

Kade and I went on a date the other night to see the Lion King. He loved it! I had to do a little convincing to get him to keep the 3d glasses on, but once I did he sat and watched the entire thing! He would roar (loudly) anytime a lion did and got up to dance during Hakuna Matata. Little cutie :)

Ella and Addison

We went to Ashlyn's soccer game the other night and Kristen took these pictures of the girls. They are too cute!!


The Cat and the Rooster are sleeping :)

Ella was really sleeping, Kade was faking it.

Ella- 1 month old

On September 27th, my little girl turned one month old! I can't even believe it! Where did this month go?! It has been a crazy fun month, but also VERY tiring. I feel like we are just now starting to get in some sort of routine. I am more comfortable taking both kids out in public, but it is still a lot of work!

Ella has been a dream of a newborn. She is so quiet, calm, passive, and just so sweet. (She does have her moments though :) She is the complete opposite of her brother. Kade like to be sitting up and moving at all times, and Ella is perfectly content just sitting and watching. She is a dainty little thing, and we can't help but laugh at her skinny little legs. Her little shins/calves and feet are so skinny and little. She is the spitting image of her big brother at this age. When I look at pictures I think they look identical, and if it wasn't for the pink and bows I might not know who was who! Her cry cracks Bryan and I up. Bryan thinks she sounds like a cat. It takes a good minute or two of working up some grunts to actually get a cry out and when she does she sounds just like a little kitty cat. Since Bryan and I have a nickname for just about everyone we now call her The Cat. (Kade is known as The Rooster, and honestly I have no idea why!) Her sleeping is kind of all over the place, but for the most part we can expect a good 6 hour stretch at night followed by another 4. Every so often she will have a bad night and be up every 2-3 hours. I am hoping that her 6 hour/ 4 hour stretches become more of the norm in the coming weeks.

Ella had her one month appointment on the 27th and we were told she is perfect! I had Dr. Mercer look at the birthmark that is on her leg and he told us it was a strawberry hemangioma.  I had looked something up about it prior so tha'ts what I thought it was beforehand. He told me they are normally completely harmless and tend to be more common in girls than boy. He said it would continue to grow for her first 9 months- a year then it would go into a period of "rest" and then by the age of 5 most of them are completely gone. He said we would keep an eye on it but for the most part everything should be ok! She is growing right on track her stats were:

Height: 22 inches (75 %)
Weight: 9.8 lbs (50 %)
Head: 37 cm (50 %)

I love this little girl more than anything and as fast as this month has flown by I feel like I have known her forever! I can't imagine my family any other way!

September 28, 2011


This past weekend my good friends Cara got married. It was a beautiful wedding and the reception was so fun and unique! We got a good picture of the four of us all dressed up for the occasion. To get one good picture of the 4 of us is almost impossible so I was pleasantly surprised!

The next day Mom and I hosted Lauren's bridal shower! It was so fun! Only several weeks left until the big day, I can't wait!

September 27, 2011

Bryan's Birthday Party

Bryan celebrated his birthday the other day and to be honest I am so exhausted that a big celebration was far down my list. Bryan isn't too big on birthdays so he didn't care too much. Kade on the other hand cared. BIG TIME. I told him it was Daddy's birthday and he freaked out. He asked ALL DAY LONG when Daddy's birthday party was. So what did we do? We improvised and threw together a last minute birthday party for Daddy. We had signs, balloons, cake, everything needed to make a perfect party! Bryan was so surprised when he walked in, Kade started shouting "Happy Birthday Daddy!!" and "Daddy's birthday party!!" We went out to eat and then came home and told Kade it was time for the party. We all got our hats on, we sang Happy Birthday, Kade helped blow out the candle and then we had cake! It was so much fun! Kade LOVED every single minute!!! And Bryan said it was the best birthday he has ever had!!! Holidays, birthday, events in general are so much better when you have kids!!!

Also, I couldn't find any candles so we just used the one from my kitchen :)

Bath Time

Ella's bellybutton did its thing about 10 days after she was born. I was so relieved because we could finally give her an actual bath instead of a sponge bath! We could not for the life of us find our old infant tub so I ordered a new one. I did a little research and found this really cool (small!) infant bath seat. I love it because both Kade and Ella can bathe together. Bryan and I tag team a little during bath time and it is fun having them both in there together! After a few nights of bathing together Kade was playing when he scooted back and Ella's foot hit is back, he turned around and told her "Ella don't kick me!" It cracked me up! Ella loves her bath and just watches Kade the entire time!!

September 26, 2011


A few days ago, I was sitting in the living room playing with both Kade and Ella and we were having so much fun! I decided to grab my camera and snap a few pictures because moments like that I want to remember forever! We had an amazon delivery that day and boxes from UPS always mean so much fun for Kade!!! I love these little guys!!!!!