February 22, 2012


We played outside yesterday in this lovely weather we have been having! Both my kids love to be outside!!!

Side note to Ella in the future: you do have other clothes, I promise. This was the same day as music class and this is the perfect in between weather dress I think :) I'm ready for warmer weather so you can wear all your cute spring summer dresses!

Oh how I love this boy! I mean, who wouldn't want to wear their bike helmet while they mow the grass with Tow Mater!

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Ella has been getting up on all fours and rocking for about 2 weeks. We noticed her doing it in her crib and she has finally gotten to the point where she does it all the time now. She has moved her legs forward and not her arms which caused a face plant, and also moved her arms forward and not her legs which caused a belly flop. Sooner or later she will figured out how it all works! I'm hoping it will the later because I am my ready for a mobile baby! Plus she is too content just sitting and playing! Who needs to crawl?!

Last night, Kade got down on the floor in front of her while she was rocking away on all fours and told her, "Come on Ella! Get a move on!"

She was grinning ear to ear! This girl loves her brother!

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Musikgarten: Take 2.

I enrolled Ella in a little music class called Musikgarten. It is the same class Kade and I did with some of our friends about a year and a half ago. I didn't join because it was an over the top amazing music class, just simply something for Ella and I to do together while Kade is at school.

Our first class was last Tuesday and I think Ella enjoyed it. She laughed a lot and loved the songs where I bounce her. We had fun and I'm looking forward to this fun time with just Ella and I!

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February 16, 2012

Valentine's Day

We all had a great Valentine's Day this year! We gave the kids a few special treats when they woke up in the morning. Kade was so excited! Ella didn't have a clue what was going on! Later, Bryan took us all out to have sushi for dinner. After the kids were in bed, he surprised me big time with a beautiful new bracelet! I LOVE it!
Such a wonderful day with the people I love the most!!!!
Naturally, Bryan and I didn't take a single picture of either of us, but TONS of our little people :)

Kade tried his first starburst, to which he said "eww this is nasty!" If he doesn't like candy he can't be my child!

Kade's favorite thing about us going to eat sushi is that he gets to eat with his "sticks." He doesn't use them totally in the correct way but he can eat with them! We are impressed!
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Valentines party!

On Monday, Mindy hosted a Valentine's party for the kids. It was a lot of fun! The kids exchanged valentines, ate lots of treats, and played like crazy! I can't believe it's was nearly two years ago when we met these friends! The kids were Ella's age and now they are wild and crazy toddlers!

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February 15, 2012

Me and my boy

I love my little man. While Bryan was playing basketball the other night we snuggled close for some tv watching and a little photo shoot!

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My babies are starting to look different and their personalities couldn't be any different, but there is one thing that is the same! Both love their thumbs and love their lovey's. I went in to check on both of them durning nap time and they looked like twins asleep! Both snuggled with their lovey and sucking their thumb.
I love these precious babies, and oh how I am going to miss these days in the future. Bryan will probably find me in the closet holding 'blue' and 'pinky' close, crying and reminiscing about these days :)

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February 7, 2012

Ella Claire- 5 months

Ella turned 5 months old on January 27th. I say it all the time, but I can't even believe that in less than a month she will be half a year old. Where has the time gone?! As sad as I am that time is going too fast, I am so looking forward to what is to come. Ella and Kade have been interacting so much more and Ella has become more and more alert each day. I am starting to see her personality shine through and she is so happy!

By 5 months, she was sitting up all by herself, entertaining herself for extended periods of time, tried a little bit of food, rolling all over the place to move, and has even gotten up on all fours once or twice. I am NOT ready for her to be mobile! My hands are full as is! But I can tell all she wants is to keep up with her brother!!

Ground Rules & Western Day

 I had Ella in Kade's room while I was putting dishes up the other day. It was pretty quiet so I peeked around the corner and heard Kade laying down the ground rules to Ella. It went a little something like this:

Kade- " Every toy in here is mine, Ella. And you see this? This is Blue, he is mine too Ella."

Last week, Kade had Western Day at school. This picture is terrible quality. I just took it with my phone on our way out the door because we were running late, naturally..

Manly Man

The other night before bed, Kade was running around the house in his cowboy boots with his toy hammer. He said he need to "hammer things." Such a manly man :)

Stock Show and Rodeo

A week or so ago we headed out to the stock show and rodeo with Brad, Kristen, and the rest of the Stowe's. We had a great time! Kade loved getting to see all the animals and the real cowboys. I think he would have stayed in the livestock barns all night if we would have let him!