September 27, 2012

Conversations with Kade

I have already posted this picture, but a couple of weeks ago Kade said my very quote he has ever said to date.

"Mama, I have two favorite foods. The first is donuts, the second is sprinkles."

I love this age, 3 year olds are hilarious!

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A little update of our month via instagram!

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September 26, 2012


I signed Kade up for a soccer class at the local rec center. I can't wait for him to play real soccer someday but I wasn't quite ready to give up all my Saturday mornings just quite yet. He loves going to his mini-kickers class. They try to teach them some things, but for the most part they play games and run around a lot. Kade laughs so hard and so loud while he is playing that it makes it so worth it! His "coaches" are so awesome too. Me and some other moms have commented that they have more patience than anyone we have ever seen! They are so calm and great with the kids! He only has a few more weeks left and we will be sad when it is over!

Ella Claire- month by month

 It is crazy to see how much Ella grew in one year!

Love her to pieces!


Looking back I realized I never did a 9 month sticker picture! I guess during the move and remodeling I forgot! But here is one at 9 months!

September 11, 2012

First Day of Preschool

Thursday he had his actual first day of Preschool! He was so excited! He walked right in and didn't look back! I actually started crying. Which was unexpected because I was ready for preschool to start to enjoy some one on one time Ella! I guess I just hate beginnings and endings, and that time just goes so fast. :(

When I picked him up from school he was in the best mood! He got a great report and told me about all the fun he had with his new friends and Ms. Darla. I love that he gets so excited about school!

I love this boy!!!!!

Kade HAD TO HAVE a batman backpack and lunch box. He hasn't ever seen Batman before and really doesn't even know what its all about but he HAD TO HAVE Batman. Funny little guy :)

Preschool Meet the Teacher

Last week Kade started preschool! We were all excited and he is loving it! I am having a hard time calling it preschool, because it sounds too old. I would rather it be called Mother's Day Out, just sounds better  :)) Anyway, last Tuesday we had meet the teacher. Kade's teacher is Ms. Darla and she is great! He has nine kids in his class and I know he is going to have a great year!

He looks so grown up here! Make time slow down!!!!!!!

Ella Claire- 1 year old

I can not believe I am writing this post. I feel like I just posted that sweet little Ella was born. How can it be that that was over a year ago?! The past year has flown by so incredibly fast.

On August 27th Ella Claire turned one year old! She has been such a joy and a huge blessing to our family. She is sweet, cuddly, loving, feisty, and sassy. She can love you one minute and give you a huge attitude the next. It was actually shocking to me how much of a girl she already is. As in you tell her no or hurt her feelings, she will glare at you and refuse to "talk"to you or look at you for a good thirty minutes. It is hilarious. She is also my cuddle bunny. She loves to be held, rocked, cuddled, and be loved on in general. She still loves to laugh and it is so easy to get a belly laugh out of her. She is walking and running all over the place and has recently been trying to climb on everything! She says a handful of words which include mama, uh oh, dada, ade (Kade), nah nah (NO), and I have heard the random repeating of hi, bye, and night night. She loves to play with everything except toys. Shoes, hair brushes, and outlets are her current 'non toy' favorites which means we will be baby proofing this weekend! She also loves her babies. She always, I mean ALWAYS, has a doll in her hand. It is precious. The moment she wakes up she wants a baby doll and laughs and hugs one when she finds one.

 It is so fun raising a girl and getting to do the girly things with a baby. We are about to start mom and tot gymnastics which I am so excited about! I love this little girl with all my heart and could not imagine our little family any different!

She had her 1 year appointment the same day as Kade's 3 year appointment. She did great at her appointment! She was right on track and "passed" with flying colors as well! She had to get some shots and that was not fun for any of us. I hate to see her cry that hard :( When they measured her we learned she was growing tall and getting thinner! Her stats were:

Height: 30inches (75%)
Weight: 19lbs 10oz (25%)
Head 45 1/4cm (50 %)

On Ella's actual birthday we had a lot of fun! We played and celebrated all day!

She played with her babies

Got a Disney princess castle!

Met Emerson at McDonalds for lunch

Then we went to Chuck-E-Cheese for dinner! We had a blast and basically had the place to ourselves!

This picture makes me laugh for some reason :)

Happy 1st Birthday to the SWEETEST girl there ever was! Ella Claire, you are my heart!