And for kicks, here he is on his first day this year! I could cry he looks so little! Why do they have to grow so fast?!
May 30, 2013
Last day of school!
Today was Kade's last day of preschool (in the 3 year old class)! This year went by in the blink of an eye! I feel like it was just yesterday that we were meeting his teacher for the first time! We loved every minute of Fellowship this year and we can't wait to get back in the Fall. We are so proud of Kade, and have loved see how he has grown socially, physically, academically, and emotionally this year! We have a lot of nothing planned for the summer, which is good and bad. I am sure we have A LOT of days at the pool ahead of us!
May 29, 2013
End of year program
Last week, Kade's school put on their end of year program for all the parents. The theme was Nursery Rhymes from around the world. It was so funny, and adorable. I was so proud watching Kade up there singing his songs! During one of the songs the button on his pants came undone or something because he stopped singing about half way through, hiked his shirt up to hold with his chin and worked on rebuttoning his pants. We were dying laughing! The finale song was his favorite, he sang his heart out to "He's got the whole world in his hands." It was just precious. I can't believe that we only have ONE school day left this year. It has been an awesome year!
We have been so blessed by Kade's teacher this year. We will miss her!
We are SO proud of our big boy!
May 22, 2013
Slumber party
Part of our night time routine is all four of us on Kade's bed saying goodnight prayers together. I think I speak for all of us when I say it's one of my favorite parts of the day. After our prayer, a large tickle feat usually ensues with tons and tons of giggles. Tonight after our prayer Ella crawled up to the head of the bed and tucked herself in and laid down on Kade's bed. So we thought we could let them try a slumber party! No one got out of the bed but Bryan and I peeked through the door at all the sillyness that was happening. After a while I decided to split them up because they were still awake and Kade has school tomorrow. But this summer I think they will be ready for their first official slumber party in each others rooms!
I love these two!

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I love these two!

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May 19, 2013
Perfect weekend
This weekend was so perfect and SO needed. We have been SO busy lately and even though we have all been busy together we haven't had many moments of downtime. We needed this weekend, with no obligations, to just reconnect and spend time together as a family. It was just perfect.

Ice cream man visited!

Friday night swimming at Nanny and Pappy's!

On Saturday we worked in the yard, and just hung out at home. I have wanted a tree swing in our front yard since we moved in, so Bryan built me one! We had soooo much fun!! The kids LOVE it!

Saturday night the boys had a great camping adventure in the backyard. We set the tent up got them ready to sleep and they lasted maybe 2 hours before Kade thought he heard thunder and wanted to come in :) I think Bryan was secretly relieved because it was HOT!

Sunday morning started with chuch!

And then we spent the entire afternoon at Hawaiian Falls! We has SOOO much fun! The kids loved it!!

The perfect weekend!!!
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Ice cream man visited!

Friday night swimming at Nanny and Pappy's!

On Saturday we worked in the yard, and just hung out at home. I have wanted a tree swing in our front yard since we moved in, so Bryan built me one! We had soooo much fun!! The kids LOVE it!

Saturday night the boys had a great camping adventure in the backyard. We set the tent up got them ready to sleep and they lasted maybe 2 hours before Kade thought he heard thunder and wanted to come in :) I think Bryan was secretly relieved because it was HOT!

Sunday morning started with chuch!

And then we spent the entire afternoon at Hawaiian Falls! We has SOOO much fun! The kids loved it!!

The perfect weekend!!!
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May 15, 2013
Kade the Great
Disclaimer: I have NO clue who reads this little family blog of ours, but if you do and you don't want to hear how great and wonderful my child is then stop reading this post now. I keep this as a family scrapbook so I document everything. Once again, stop now is parental bragging makes you roll your eyes. You've been warned.
Kade's teacher called me the other day to do the end of year conference. She basically said he was a genius. Okay, she didn't use those exact words but that's what I heard :) She did however talk about how smart Kade was, and pretty much the entire phone call was around how strong he is academically and socially. She said he was an "incredibly sharp little boy." She also talked about his memory and ability to recount small details of things that happened months before. She said at times I'm not even sure he is paying attention he will be able to retell the story in detail and it blows her away. She said most of the time when you have someone very young in the class like Kade it is very obvious and they are noticeably behind academically, emotionally, socially, etc. With Kade she says you would have no clue the age difference.
She said her and the director have been racking their brains as to where to place Kade next year. His teacher says he does not belong in the younger 4's class at all. That he is already able to do everything that they are suppose to in there. That he will be bored and not stimulated in a class like that. The director is hesitant to put him in the older 4's class because then he will repeat it twice the following year. It makes my heart so happy that this preschool and his teacher and director have taken interest in him and really care about what is best for him! It really shows me how much they care and we are so blessed by everyone at Fellowship! No matter where the decide to place Kade, I am confident it will be the best place. They have taken the time and interest to really discuss where he should be and where ever they decide I totally support.
I was also told that Kade would have no problem starting Kindergarten in the Fall of 2014 like he is technically suppose to. But she totally understood and supported our decision to wait until the Fall of 2015. She said if it was her own child she would do the same even if he was ready to start.
She went on to say that Kade finds joy in everything that they do. And that if she had one negative it would be that Kade hates their 45 min rest period. But she said the entire class hates that time as well and if it wasn't required at this age for licensing reasons then she would have dropped it a long time ago. She said this particular class has just been a blast to teach. That she has truly enjoyed this class and she doesn't always say that. They really are a great group of kids and it is fun that everyone will be at the school next year.
I can't say enough how FFP has blessed us this year. Having a different program to compare to last year, I can say that this year has been nothing short of amazing. Our teacher at the old school last year was nice but I had several issues that at the time wasn't sure if it was just me being "that" parent. Now I know I wasn't. We have loved everything about this year.
When I got off the phone Bryan and I were BEAMING at hearing how smart and awesome our kid was. I mean we knew all that but hearing someone else reiterate it for us was a very proud parent moment for sure. We talked and discussed the greatness of Kade :) and what we are most proud of is the fact that Kade is happy and thriving and having fun along the way. The rest is just icing on the cake!
Kade Hoyt Stephens we are SO proud of you!
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Kade's teacher called me the other day to do the end of year conference. She basically said he was a genius. Okay, she didn't use those exact words but that's what I heard :) She did however talk about how smart Kade was, and pretty much the entire phone call was around how strong he is academically and socially. She said he was an "incredibly sharp little boy." She also talked about his memory and ability to recount small details of things that happened months before. She said at times I'm not even sure he is paying attention he will be able to retell the story in detail and it blows her away. She said most of the time when you have someone very young in the class like Kade it is very obvious and they are noticeably behind academically, emotionally, socially, etc. With Kade she says you would have no clue the age difference.
She said her and the director have been racking their brains as to where to place Kade next year. His teacher says he does not belong in the younger 4's class at all. That he is already able to do everything that they are suppose to in there. That he will be bored and not stimulated in a class like that. The director is hesitant to put him in the older 4's class because then he will repeat it twice the following year. It makes my heart so happy that this preschool and his teacher and director have taken interest in him and really care about what is best for him! It really shows me how much they care and we are so blessed by everyone at Fellowship! No matter where the decide to place Kade, I am confident it will be the best place. They have taken the time and interest to really discuss where he should be and where ever they decide I totally support.
I was also told that Kade would have no problem starting Kindergarten in the Fall of 2014 like he is technically suppose to. But she totally understood and supported our decision to wait until the Fall of 2015. She said if it was her own child she would do the same even if he was ready to start.
She went on to say that Kade finds joy in everything that they do. And that if she had one negative it would be that Kade hates their 45 min rest period. But she said the entire class hates that time as well and if it wasn't required at this age for licensing reasons then she would have dropped it a long time ago. She said this particular class has just been a blast to teach. That she has truly enjoyed this class and she doesn't always say that. They really are a great group of kids and it is fun that everyone will be at the school next year.
I can't say enough how FFP has blessed us this year. Having a different program to compare to last year, I can say that this year has been nothing short of amazing. Our teacher at the old school last year was nice but I had several issues that at the time wasn't sure if it was just me being "that" parent. Now I know I wasn't. We have loved everything about this year.
When I got off the phone Bryan and I were BEAMING at hearing how smart and awesome our kid was. I mean we knew all that but hearing someone else reiterate it for us was a very proud parent moment for sure. We talked and discussed the greatness of Kade :) and what we are most proud of is the fact that Kade is happy and thriving and having fun along the way. The rest is just icing on the cake!
Kade Hoyt Stephens we are SO proud of you!
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May 12, 2013
Big girl bed!
On Friday, we said goodbye to the crib and switched Ella to a big girl bed! I was so nervous but we were fairly certain the loud thumps and crying we heard in her room was her trying to climb out of the crib.
How has she done? AWESOME! She has blown us away and hasn't ever gotten out of bed. Not a single time, at bedtime and naptime! We laugh when we see her asleep in there, it's looks like she is thinking "y'all have been holding out on me!" She is loving her big girl bed!

Saying goodbye to the crib where both my babies slept! Bittersweet!

She was SO excited the first night!

The next morning when I heard her on the monitor I jumped in the shower before going to get her. I wanted to give her some time to see if she would get out. When I walked in I found this! Just sitting on the bed playing!

We put the baby gate up at her door because we didn't want her roaming the house :) and we moved her dresser in the hall for the night because it wasn't bolted to the wall.
So proud of my big little girl!!
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How has she done? AWESOME! She has blown us away and hasn't ever gotten out of bed. Not a single time, at bedtime and naptime! We laugh when we see her asleep in there, it's looks like she is thinking "y'all have been holding out on me!" She is loving her big girl bed!

Saying goodbye to the crib where both my babies slept! Bittersweet!

She was SO excited the first night!

The next morning when I heard her on the monitor I jumped in the shower before going to get her. I wanted to give her some time to see if she would get out. When I walked in I found this! Just sitting on the bed playing!

We put the baby gate up at her door because we didn't want her roaming the house :) and we moved her dresser in the hall for the night because it wasn't bolted to the wall.
So proud of my big little girl!!
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First swim of the season!
After school last week the kids and I went to my parents to go swimming! The water was still freezing but they had fun. I had to make them get out though because they were shivering so bad! I am so thankful for this mild spring but I am excited about summer days at the pool!

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Last soccer game
On Saturday we had our last soccer game! Kade had so much fun this season and said he wants to play again! We are so proud of him! We couldn't have asked for anything more, he was always willing to play, always laughing, and just having a great time. At this age that is all we want!
We did also learn that some parents take team sports wayyyyyy to serious and we often wondered if they knew kids were only 3 & 4. But that is beside the point :)
We are so proud of our little Ranger!

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We did also learn that some parents take team sports wayyyyyy to serious and we often wondered if they knew kids were only 3 & 4. But that is beside the point :)
We are so proud of our little Ranger!

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Terrible twos...
Ella isn't two but she has been living up to the terrible twos name :) She is in a, how do I say it, rough patch right now. Our (read: MY) patience is being tested more than ever. She makes me laugh and cry all within the same 5 minutes. So there has been a lot of breathing, praying, counting to 10, and locking my self in the closet happening around here lately. I know all stages go by so fast so I just keep chanting that in my head :)

And then there was this. I just had to laugh, and take pictures :)

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And then there was this. I just had to laugh, and take pictures :)

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I still have about 4 days of trip blogging to do but it is taking me forever and I want to stay caught up on day to day life! So I will just back date the trip blogs as I finish!

Kade got his first real black eye. A milestone for any boy!

These two have been keeping me on my toes lately...

Just working on a little homework :)

He told me "this is perfect! I'm not going out of the lines at all!" He is not lacking in the confidence department :)

For a straight week out sunroom was turned into a cruise ship and there were parades an all. I was asked everyday to NOT mess up the parade on the ship :))

Little gym fun!

One morning Ella would not stop hugging Kade, it was hilarious!

I think this sums up the two of them very well!

My baking buddies!
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Kade got his first real black eye. A milestone for any boy!

These two have been keeping me on my toes lately...

Just working on a little homework :)

He told me "this is perfect! I'm not going out of the lines at all!" He is not lacking in the confidence department :)

For a straight week out sunroom was turned into a cruise ship and there were parades an all. I was asked everyday to NOT mess up the parade on the ship :))

Little gym fun!

One morning Ella would not stop hugging Kade, it was hilarious!

I think this sums up the two of them very well!

My baking buddies!
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