For Kade's birthday this year we were going to get him a big boy bike. He had outgrown his strider. His birthday falls on Bryan's start date in Maryland and we will be living in a hotel, and the movers are scheduled to come August 12. So with all that said, I needed to figure out a way to get him a bike, make it a big deal, but to also be on the moving van in two weeks. We decided to surprise Kade after dinner on Friday night by taking him to Toys R Us and letting him pick out whatever bike he wanted. He thought it was the coolest thing ever! He was just sooooo excited. He tested that was his size and ended up with a red hot wheels bike that has a handle bar that will rev up and sound like an engine. My car loving boy was in heaven!
We left the store and the magical moment spiraled out of control. We took the training wheels off and he was scared to death. Screaming, crying, and all sorts of carrying on. He actually would do really well with them off but was too scared to give it a shot and begged for his old bike back. So we put the training wheels back on and he was still scared. And still cried. And carried on so much that we put it away and gave him a bath and he went straight to bed. It was not good. I didn't have any patience and let Bryan know immediately that the leaning to ride a bike thing would be his. :)
In Kade's defense he has done a lot better since that night, very little crying, and he isn't asking for his old bike back :)
And then it went downhill...