September 29, 2015

School days

Kade had his first school project. He had to make a scrap book page with all his favorite things. I love my kindergarten boy! 

Fall Ball

Fall ball started a few weeks ago and Kade has his first game last week. We said so long to tball and he has moved on to machine pitch. This league is a lot more serious than tball and there has been a huge learning curve. (2 hours practices and games... Bryan and I weren't ready for that!)  They play a real game and some of the boys Kade is playing with are nearly 9. It's definitely been a huge step but he is still loving every bit of it and has done a great job batting and in the field. We are on a new team and his coach is awesome. He wants the boys to win but his biggest goal is to teach them the game and for them to have fun. It's been so much fun to watch! 

Go Nats! 

September 24, 2015

Hattie Ross- 1 month

On September 17th our littlest lady turned 1 month old! It seemed like the fastest and also the longest month ever. I don't know how that is possible but that's just how it felt. Between the four of us we spent the first month snuggling Hattie and smothering her with one million kisses. 

Hattie's first month was honestly a little crazy. Two weeks after she was born Kade started Kinder and baseball and Ella started preschool, dance, and soccer. I feel like our lives are spent in the car driving to and from activities. Trying to adjust to all of that with a newborn in the mix has me feeling like a chicken with my head cut off. I'm trying to hard to keep it all organized but I feel like at any minute it can all unravel and fall apart. It is just a phase and I know all of this will become easier so for now I am just hanging in there! 

As far as Hattie is concerned we have had some really great moments and some very real newborn moments this first month. She either has days where she doesn't make a peep and is content all day long or days where she cries 90% of the day unless I'm holding her. And there is really nothing in between. We got her on reflux medicine and that has helped SO much. Her sleep is all over the place and I think she is winning the award for the worst newborn sleeper
of my three. She goes to bed anywhere from 7-8:30 and  has a really good 6+ hours stretch but then when she wakes up most nights she stays awake for a minimum of an hour but it is typically more like 1.5-2 hours. It is pretty rough but I'm learning to roll with it and it is amazing how just getting a 4 hour stretch of sleep is really refreshing at this point .  When it comes to eating she is excellent. She is low maintenance in that department, she will eat with me or a bottle with no question. I have given her formula here and there when I am not able to satisfy her and she still seems hungry and she has no problems taking that as well. Bath time is probably her (and mine!) favorite time of day. She can go from screaming to perfectly content sitting in her little tub. I love talking to her while I bathe her because she just stares at me with "happy eyes". She also loves her play mat. When she is fussy I can lay her down on that and she instantly stops and just stares at the toys and all the action going on around her. She is only s month old but she is very observant and doesn't like to go to sleep if there is noise or action going on around her, she wants to stay awake and take it all in. I can't wait to see her little personality start to develop on the next several months! 

Her stats at her 1 month appointment:

Weight: 9lbs 8oz (70%)
Height: 22.5 in (90%)
Head: 14.75 in 

September 18, 2015

Life lately

There is nothing better than a baby fresh out of a bath. :) 

This is real life at the moment. If Hattie is down on her play may then the big kids are right there talking to her and loving on her. 

September 17, 2015

Dance class

We are giving dance another try this year. Ever since I took Ella to see the Nutcracker last Christmas she has been begging to do ballet again. I wanted to wait until this fall to try again, last year gymnastics was the perfect activity because she had a lot of energy to get out. :) She started a ballet/tap class two weeks ago and she is loving it! It is crazy to see how much she has grown up in one year. She takes her class very seriously and doesn't like when the other little girls aren't listening. Such a dramatic change from last year when we tried! She gets so excited for Wednesdays because she knows it is dance day! We can only watch through a tiny little window but everytime I peek in she is doing excellent! 

Ella starts preschool!!

Up until this point Ella has pretty much been with me 24/7. The last two years she went one day a week (for 4 hours) to a Mother's Day out program and that was it. She is my little buddy and when it's just me and her during the day she is sooo easy that I really wasn't ready to give up my time with her. But this year she started preschool and she was SO excited about it! She goes two afternoons a week and so far she is loving every thing about. Her teachers are fantastic and I know she is going to have a great year!! 

She had some homework this week! 

September 9, 2015

Three weeks of Hattie

On Monday little Hattie-bear turned 3 weeks old! It's always crazy to me how even though she has only been around for 3 weeks, it feels as though she has been around forever! We can't get enough of her! 

A few of the nicknames she has picked up over the past few weeks include:

The Hatster (this is the one Kade calls her :))
The Mad Hatter (especially when she is fussy) 
Magic Hattie or just Magic for short. (This is what Bryan calls her and it's not my favorite. :))

Her hair is crazy in the back!