January 6, 2011

2010 in review!

2010 proved to be, hands down, the best year of my life. It was my first full year to be a mama and I loved every stinkin minute of it!


We went to the park and tried swinging for the first time!
Kade also started sitting up by himself!

Mom and I went to Chicago and got to go to the Oprah show! It was so much fun!!
And we had record breaking snow in the metroplex!
Kade starts crawling!
And we start to spend a lot of time outside!
Kade celebrates his first Easter!!
We go on our first vacation as a family of 3!
Summer begins with more time outside and a lot of time in the pool!!
Kade also graduates at Little Gym!
Kade's first 4th of July!!
Plus another week at the beach!
And a week at the lake!
This little cutie marched his way to ONE YEAR OLD!!
First trip to the State Fair!!  
And Kade got his first haircut!
Cooler weather, and Thanksgiving!!
Christmas, decorations, cookie baking, and a trip to D.C.

So here were in 2011. It is already proving to be a great year. We have lots of fun and exciting things coming up in the next year, hopefully selling our house and moving, and Bryan and I might take a parents only trip somewhere, possibly to Europe! Can't wait to see wait else 2011 has planned for us! 

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