January 6, 2011

Washington D.C.

The first two years that Bryan and I were married we traveled quite a bit. We had so much fun, but we thought after Kade was born our travels would slow down a lot. But 2010 brought us more traveling that we could have even hoped for! In February, my mom and I went to Chicago for several days because I won tickets to the Oprah show! We had so. much. fun! In May, the three of us set out on our first family vacation to Cozumel, Mexico. It was different than any vacation we had taken in the past, but we realized we COULD travel with a baby. We spent a week at the beach with my family, and a week at the lake with Bryan's family. By the end of summer, we thought our travels for 2010 were long over. But we were wrong, Bryan's grandma gave us a week to use at one of her timeshares before the end of the year! We looked around and decided to go to Washington D.C. And I am so happy that we decided to go!

Our trip was just wonderful, Kade was about as perfect as a 15 month old could be. We brought along the jogging stroller and tons of snacks, and we were able to do everything on our list. We saw every monument, went to all the museums we wanted to, and went on a tour of the capital and white house! It was the best, best trip. The weather was perfect (minus one day when a cold front was blowing in,) the town was decorated for Christmas, and I fell in love with the city!

Our first night there, we decided to go walk around. Kade, all snug as a bug, fell asleep instantly!








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