March 26, 2011

Baby 2 is...

a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am still in shock and can't believe it! We are just so excited and so ready to meet this sweet, precious baby girl. Bryan and I have been talking about it all day and we are just both SO EXCITED!!!! We have been blessed beyond belief! And I did NOT keep it a secret from everyone. The moment we left I told Bryan that there was no way I could keep it a secret, and both of our parents knew within about 2 minutes of leaving the sonogram! We already have it narrowed down to two names, Ella Claire and Addison (fill in the blank.) My favorite is Ella, Bryan's is Addison. I am going to go ahead and say that I have more pull on this one and I am fairly certain that we are going to end up with an Ella Claire Stephens in September :)) Here are a few pictures from this morning. They actually weren't too great, most of them are potty shots (which I am not going to post on this blog/all over the internet) but I will go ahead and add the others that we got!

Somewhat of a profile shot:

Crazy alien shot!

Her sweet arm up by her face!!

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