April 5, 2011

Thomas the Train and a birthday..

Last Friday was my birthday. And I am the first to admit that I LOVE birthday's. I tell everyone that the week of their birthday is completely devoted to them . And the week of my birthday, do I expect the same? ABSOLUTELY. I think this comes from my mom making a huge deal about our birthdays. She celebrated and prepared for our birthday all week. I would wake up on my birthday to her singing Happy Birthday with a candle in some pancakes or any other yummy pastry. It was the best way to wake up and I plan on doing this with my kids 100%! She would go around all day announcing that I was the "Birthday Girl," and pretty much let us do what ever we wanted (within reason that is.) This year was different though. I decided that as I made the move to my upper 20's I no longer want to celebrate my birthday the way I have before. Can't we just forget about it and I can just stay 25 from here on out? I am getting closer to 30 and I am not OK with that.

So I scratched any plans where the world revolved around around me for the day (such a grown up I am!) and what did we do?? We took little man to meet and ride on Thomas the Train. I mean is there a better way to feel youthful that to go for a ride on the life sized talking train?? We bought our tickets and headed out the next day to catch our 9:45 departure. Kade loves trains, I mean reeeeeeally loves trains. He doesn't really know all about Thomas, but he knows about trains. If we are driving in the car and pass one, or if we hear one in the distance he starts "choo-chooing" like a maniac. And at home toy trains are his toy of choice. The train ride was very uneventful, you go out for 10 minutes, stop and then head back to the station. But we had FUN! There is nothing like seeing Kade's face when we got up close and personal with a TRAIN! After we were done with the ride we walked around the train station a bit, there were a lot of fun activities set up for Kade to do. They had trains set up everywhere, a petting zoo, a bounce house, and lots of different activities that revolved around trains. Kade loved it, and Bryan and I had a great time.

After we left we went to have pizza for lunch and came home to all have a NAP! Bryan got me an edible arrangement for my birthday, and since I love chocolate covered strawberries the ENTIRE thing was chocolate covered strawberries. It was DELISH! We ended the night with Nanny coming down to watch Kade while Bryan and I went to dinner with Lauren and Clay. We all went to Simply Fondue and enjoyed a THREE HOUR, yes THREE HOUR, meal! Being able to sit and enjoy a nice long meal is very much a treat now because Kade would never last for three hours at a dinner table! The food was excellent and the company was even better! So all in all, my birthday was perfect and better than I could have ever planned!!

The conductor had to validate his ticket!

We met Sir Topham Hatt, and he was CREEPY! Look at him!! When he started walking out Bryan started laughing so hard and literally couldn't stop!

Kade got a temporary tattoo while we were there. He got it Friday morning and on Saturday night I decided it was time to take it off. For two full days after I took it off his hand, he would sadly look at his hand and say "bye bye." It broke my heart and let's hope the Easter bunny gets some to put in his basket!

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