March 17, 2011

Random Facts..

Kade does the absolute funniest things lately. He has me laughing all throughout the day and I LOVE that his little (BIG!) personality is showing!I have been meaning to write these things down for awhile, but I kept putting it off. I had an entire lists of things I wanted to write and now I can only think of two! Better that than nothing I suppose!

1. Kade has always been scared of the vacuum cleaner. I remember him being about 5 months old sitting in his jumper, and I was vacuuming the living room not really paying attention to him. When I was finished and turn the vacuum off I looked over and he had his arms in the air doing the "silent" cry. Any mom knows the silent cry is by far the worst, they are either really hurt or really scared! Poor little man was scared out of his mind and I didn't even notice! I starting only vacuuming after he went to bed or when Bryan was home so he could take care of him. But about a week ago I go a new vacuum that is absolutely fabulous and I have been using it like crazy. I decided K was old enough to get past his fear so I plugged the vacuum in and started going. Kade initially cried, I was yelling it was OK, then he ran and got his baseball bat followed me around the house and beat the vacuum with it any chance he got! It made me laugh so hard and I am so happy that Kade is learning to cope with his silly fear! Even is that means beating up my brand new vacuum!! What a silly boy!

2. Kade's vocabulary is growing on a daily basis and he can now try to repeat a lot of works back to you if you ask him to. At his 18 month check up there were pictures of dinosaurs on the wall. he pointed to them and asked "thissssss" I told him dinosaur and asked if he could say that and it came out something like this, "di" loooong pause "SOW!" It was precious an became my new favorite word of his! We practiced all day and it kept coming out the same way, I couldn't wait to show Bryan. Later that night Bryan came home and Kade said it on cue! We LOVE it!! A few nights later I was putting his jammies on there was a dinosaur on his shirt. This one to be exact:

So before I put it on I held it up and told Kade look a dinosaur! I was hoping I would hear my favorite word.. Kade looked at the shirt, looked at me, then looked back at the shirt again and yelled RAFFE! (Giraffe!) It made me laugh, but what can I say. He thinks the long skinny neck means Giraffe (or just Raffe!)  What a funny little guy!

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