March 17, 2011

Seasame Street LIVE!

We took Kade for his very first trip to see Sesame Street Live! My parents like to take the grand kids and make it kind of like there "thing," but for Kade's first trip Bryan and I had to take him. It was a lot of fun and Kade was initially scared but once they brought out the big guy (Elmo) all was well and Kade enjoyed the whole show! Bryan and I actually enjoyed it as well, it is so fun to watch Kade having fun. We were a little taken back by the cost though! Parking was ridiculous, and the souvenirs were way too much (although Kade did end up with an Elmo flashlight thing.) They were even selling balloons for $10 a piece! ONE BALLOON FOR $10!! Good thing Kade is scared of balloons! The best part for me though was right at the beginning of the show. They start bring all the characters out one by one. They are all dancing on stage, the tots are getting excited but still on the edge of their seats, and then after a big build up they bring Elmo out front and center. The crowd goes WILD, the tots are screaming, yelling, saying ELMO! at the top of their lungs! It was like they had seen the biggest rock star of their life! It was the cutest thing ever! Next time I will let Nanny and Pappy take him, but I as so happy to be able to go with him the first time!

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