March 3, 2011


A few weeks ago Kade and , along with a few friends headed out to the Forth Worth Zoo for a day of FUN! I have been wanting to take Kade for a lot of time, but I am really happy that I waited until now to take him. I think he actually understood what was going on. He has been really into animals lately and goes crazy if he sees one on TV or in a book. (His personal faves are ducks and elephants:) I still think he might have more fun if he was a little bit older where he actually knew what all the animals were, he did spend a lot of the day wanting to push the stroller around. There were a few animals that he enjoyed watching more than others. When I picked him up to see the monkeys he laughed and didn't want down. On the other hand when I picked him up to see the kangaroos, he took a quick look and said "DONE!" I guess they were a little boring to him! All in all it was a great day, we always have fun with Mindy, Brody, Allie, and Emerson. The weather was beautiful, and I hope that we go back really soon!

 This picture is scary to me!

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