May 2, 2011


I know that this is probably not my first post to brag on my son and it definitely won't be the last. I am his mother and I can't help it :) It is normal for a parent to think their kid is a genius right? Tonight after I gave Kade a bath he was laying on his changing table and I was lubing him up with lotion. And out of NO WHERE Kade started to count. It sounded a little like this:

"one, two, free, four"

several words that didn't sound like anything

then, "six"

several more words that didn't sound like anything

and finally, "nine, TEN!" (yes ten was said proudly and louder than the rest.

I sat there and didn't quite know what to think, then I started yelling for Bryan. He came in the room and we asked Kade to count and he did the exact same thing AGAIN! We were so excited and dancing all around the room! I couldn't believe it. I am thinking that K knows a lot more than he leads on! Bryan was so excited he call Meme and Gdad to tell them! (Yup, we are THOSE annoying parents.)

We tried several times to get it on camera, but Kade freaks out every time we pull the camera out. He gets really quiet, smiles, and puts his face up really close to the lens. All of our home videos consist of Kade's forehead :) We did get him to sort of count, he said "one, two, free, two, one" A little backwards but we will take it!

He is so fun at this age, I love that he is talking all the time and busting out with things I didn't even know he was capable of. :)

As a side note, I haven't really even worked with him on counting. I think I have maybe twice and he wasn't interested at all so I stopped. But when he is in time out we count to thirty out loud. That is the only thing we can think of where he learned this. Learning while being disciplined, YES!

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