May 3, 2011

Dear Kade,

Today you woke up shouting MAMA in your best Italian accent. We love that a lot of your words come out sounding Italian. We think that you do this because you visited Italy while you were still in my belly. It must have rubbed off on you a little. When I went in your room to get you, you starting running in place as fast as you could and shouting MAMA some more. You make me feel like a rock star!

This morning you wanted waffles for breakfast. Even though you say it "awfuls" you really love when you get to have waffles for breakfast. You always want to sit on the counter to watch the "awfuls" in the toaster and when they are done and pop out you giggle so hard. It makes me laugh too. Today you were a little impatient though and kept wanting to touch the toaster, and I had to keep reminding you that it was probably hot.

After breakfast you immediately want to watch "ickey" (Mickey Mouse.) I let you watch two episodes in the morning while I get dressed and have my coffee. This morning in "ickey," Minnie Mouse lost her bunny and you said "OH NO!" over and over until she found it. It was so cute!

Today is Tuesday and you have your Little Gym class at 10am. We loaded up and went to the gym. You love little gym and have been doing it for over a year now. You know the routine of the class and finally have fun participating. When it is time to explore, you always go to the bars first. You recently learned how to hang from the bars all by yourself. And today you almost made your toes touch the bars. I know that you are getting stronger and will probably be able to do it in the next few weeks.

After class, we went to Sonic to get a drink. You only get water but you are so excited when you get to have your own drink.

Before we went home we stopped by to get you a haircut. You don't like getting your haircut very much, a lot of the times you cry but today you didn't cry at all. You are getting so big! You got to eat a sucker and watch Mickey Mouse while she cut your hair. When she was finished you sure looked handsome.

You started to get tired so we headed home for lunch.  Today you ate English muffin pizzas. They are one of your favorites. When I am making them you shout "ZAZA!" That is your word for pizza. No one else your probably understand this one, but I do! You love it when I turn on the oven light so you can watch them cook. When the timer went off today you started to yell my name, just wanted to remind me that they were finished.

After lunch, you picked out a book for me to read before you nap. You picked one of your favorites, "The five little pumpkins." It is a Halloween book, but we keep it out year round because you love it so much. I love watching you go to your bookshelf and pick out books to read. You choose so carefully. You will pull several out look at them and put them back before you decide on the one that you want me to read.

When I put you down for your nap, you told me night night. Then you asked for Blue, you beloved lovey. I told you night night and that I loved you and you told me "wuv you" back. You just started saying this and it melts my heart every time.

I love you so much sweet boy. I love that I am your mommy and that I get to spend my days with you.


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