June 1, 2011

Day 7- Barcelona

Today was our last last full day in Europe. We were exhausted and worn out from the week so we slept in a little and had a late start this day. (When we normally travel we are up at the crack of dawn and gone all day long to see as much as we can.) But after doing that for a week we were all three beat. We slept in a bit, ate breakfast in bed and finally headed out the door. Out first stop was Parc Guell. A park designed by none other that Gaudi. We heard that it was a ways to get to, but a must see so we decided to go their first. After a little metro ride we got off and looked at the map and figured out where we needed to go. I had read in our Frommer's book that from the metro station it was a 15 minute walk up hill. They lied. It was a 30 minute walk up the steepest hill ever. And once you get there the park is built on a hill so to do anything you must walk up a million stairs and it is not handicap accessible there fore we would be carrying our stroller the entire time. By this point in our trip Bryan and I had gotten used to carrying the stroller, he grabbed the front and I grabbed the handles and we would lift it up, no big deal. But on this day after the hike to get to the park, it was a big deal. My pregnant self couldn't handle it. I was so tired, 6 months pregnant, and had been traveling like a mad man for a week, all with a toddler in tow. My body was done. And the trip out to Parc Guell officially put the fork in me. I sucked it up as best I could and walked around, climbed a million stairs, and continued up as much as I could. The park was actually so very beautiful and from the top you had a gorgeous view of Barcelona. Once again the attention to detail was amazing, but I was trying to catch my breath the entire time I couldn't fully enjoy it. Whiny, I know, but I am pregnant and allowed to whine every once in a while. And now Bryan and I laugh about it, because even he was beat. But at the time it was not funny at all :)

After this we decided to take the rest of the day easy. We had seen so much. We just wanted to relax and enjoy our last afternoon. We headed back to Las Ramblas and strolled down the street. It lead us to the water and we walked out into the marina on a boardwalk and sat and enjoyed the view. There were a lot of people around so it was enjoyable to just sit and watch. We could see all the cruise ships coming and going, nice and relaxing. We walked back and took one more walk around the Gothic quarter and winded through the narrow streets. Taking in little but more of Barcelona. We went back to our hotel after this. Rested and cleaned up for our last dinner. We decided to go back to Olympic Port since we loved it so much the night before. We wanted to sit out side near the water for dinner and we knew there were plenty of options there. We found a great little restaurant and enjoyed what we both claim as our favorite meal of the trip. We ordered seafood paella and ate every last bite. It was delish and such a perfect end to our trip. 

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