June 1, 2011

Day 8- Back to the USA!

We were really tired by the end of our trip and really ready to get back home. We were not looking forward to the day of travel we had ahead of us at all. US airways totally redeemed themselves from losing our bags by giving us a row of 4 bulkhead seats to ourselves. It made the 8+ hour flight much more doable. For my birthday/mother's day gift Bryan bought me an iPad. I actually thought they were pointless, that it until I had a toddler. We loaded that bad boy up with tons of Mickey Mouse, the movie Cars, and lots of games and it made such a difference with Kade traveling. Of course he didn't sit still for 8 hours (he is only 20 months old, that is impossible!!!) But it did help keep him entertained for the majority of the trip. After a few delays, crowded airports and nearly 20 hours of traveling we made it home. And it felt so good! Kade hadn't slept in who knows how long, he was like a walking zombie, but he ran up to all of his toys and just wanted to hold them :) I think he was happy to see something familiar :))

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