June 1, 2011

Memorial Day weekend and a playdate!

We had a wonderfully busy memorial day weekend. Bryan was off for four days so we did some much needed work around the house. We cleaned out the guest room, picked out a color for the nursery, got most of the furniture in its place, had a garage sale and sold so many old baby things of Kade's that we no longer need. It was a great weekend and I felt like we got so much done! Monday, we went over to my parents for a cookout and swimming with the whole fam. We had a blast as usual!

The next two pictures were taken only to show both of us pregnant, we hope Ella and Addison appreciate the heck out of them when they are older because no pregnant woman wants a pictures of herself in a bathing suit. :)

Me 26 weeks pregnant with Ella and Kristen 29 weeks pregnant with Addison.

Hat pulled down, arms behind his head, and sleeping. Such a boy :)

Also, last week we had a swimming play date over at Emerson's house. It was fun, and kicked off a summer filled with play days at the pool!!

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