July 11, 2011


As of today, I am 31 weeks and 4 days pregnant. So we will just go with 8 months pregnant. I am fat, hot, swollen, hot, have terrible hip and back pain, and just to throw it out again HOT! I am so over being pregnant and September 8th can't come soon enough! It doesn't help that I have to be 7, 8, and 9 months pregnant during one of the worst summer's we have had here in Texas. I actually have felt that mood swing wise I have been doing pretty good, I mean I KNOW it can be worse. But both of the boys that live here highly disagree. I knew Bryan thought I was pretty bad but over the past week my 22 month old had proven to me that I am 1. gripey and just generally not in a good mood, and 2. that I am in fact fat.

Example one: We have a piano, I loved the piano when we first got it. Bryan played and the sound was beautiful. Then we had a kid and the newness of the piano wore off really fast. I now despise the piano. When we converted the guest room into Ella's nursery we moved the piano into our bedroom. I was against this from the start but I also didn't want to pay for a storage unit for a year or so until we decided to move. So I caved and put it in out room, with a few rules about when it could be played (Bryan has in fact broken every single one of them, and I threaten him everyday that I am going to call someone to haul it off...if only I actually had the guts to do that.) But back to the piano, Bryan always, ALWAYS plays when he gets home from work. He takes Kade with him and they play a few songs, Kade loves it! I on the other hand do not at all, it is more the noise than anything else, I just want the house to be quiet for a little bit and when you have a loud piano echoing through it, you might just go crazy. So one particular day I had had enough the boys went to the back and I hear the loudest most obnoxious song being played, I march my fat hiney back there, turn the corner ready to lay into someone (I know I am crazy I am not normally this mean, I blame it on my pregnancy hormones) when I catch eyes with my sweet little boy. He had just climbed up on the piano bench got situated, his little hands ready to play when I came stomping in the room, he looked at me with the sweetest eyes and just yelled back at me, "MAMA PLEASEEE!" Bryan looked at me laughed and gave me an, "I told ya so" smile. And I just walked out of the room. Sweet little Kade, he knew I was about to lay into Daddy about playing the piano, and he just wanted me to let one thing slide...::sigh::

Example 2:  Kade has known all his animnal sounds for quite some time. But we still love to ask him to do a few of our favorites (donkey, monkey, and rooster.) So the other night Kade was sitting with Bryan and they were talking about some animal sounds. When out of no where Bryan asked Kade what sound Mama made. And without skipping a beat Kade replied, "MOOOOO!" No prompting just his true thoughts apparently.

So there you have it, if anyone else asks how i am doing this pregnancy I will just tell them to ask Kade. I am mean and fat in his eyes :) At least he loves me even in these conditions!

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