August 3, 2011


The new Sea Life Aquarium opened up at Grapevine Mills a few weeks ago, so we met our good friends Mary Beth and Lorelei to go check it out! It was really cool and a lot of fun! We went opening week so it was CROWDED...I am still counting down the days until the big kids are back in school! Kade loved it though, and kept talking about all the "fishies" he saw. When Bryan came home he was talking to him about it and he asked Kade what all he saw. Kade replied with "fishies..yellow, orange, seahorse, shark, and ribbits." Now I didn't see any "ribbits" (frogs) but who knows, maybe they were there?! We asked him several more times what all he saw and he forgot somethings, added a few more, and "ribbits" were included every single time. We bought a season pass and can't wait to go back when it isn't as crowded!!


 They have a 360 degree tunnel you can walk through...Little man was

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