August 22, 2011

10 days!

10 FREAKING DAYS LEFT UNTIL WE MEET OUT BABY GIRL! And that is 10 days max, she can come earlier if she pleases! I can't believe it. We changed the day of my induction to August 31st for several reasons and I am not complaining one single bit! That is one day less than I thought I had! This weekend we pulled all the old baby stuff out of the attic and got everything organized. Kade thought it was so much fun and has been playing with all the new "toys" ever since. I am constantly finding him laying on the play-mat that has all the toys dangling, and he sits in the bumbo anytime we watches one of "Kade's shows." I am curious how he will react when he has to share with Ella!

I have been having a lot of contractions, but nothing that has been regular or anything to get excited about yet. It is a complete new experience for me because I did not feel one single contraction with Kade until I was hooked up to the pitocin! I have good days and bad days, and I am just thankful that everyone is patient with me because my hormones are out of control!!!! But 10 days...10 DAYS! I can handle that! I am sooooo ready though!!!

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