August 22, 2011

I need some more ketchup.

Saturday night we were sitting at the dinner table and Kade said his first full sentence. He has been communicating in "sentences" for a while now, but it is generally in very broken English. He can get the point across and we know what he needs and is talking about, but this particular night he said an entire sentence. It took Bryan and I by surprise because we weren't expecting it at all. While we were eating he was looking at his plate, and scarfing down his pork chops (my boy LOVES meat!) when he just busted out with, "I need some more ketchup." Nothing to exciting or thrilling about that sentence, but it was like a real little person saying it. A little person who has been talking forever. The first thing that caught me off guard was that he referred to himself as "I," he ALWAYS calls him self Kade. Everything is "Kade wants snack," or something  similar. I guess I would have expected him to say something along the lines of "More ketchup Kade's plate, mama?" Which I would have totally understood, but it is much more caveman like talk than "I need some more ketchup." When did my baby turn into a kid who is making full sentences?!?! Also to add, he told my mom, "I want some milk, Nanny." Who knew making a complete sentence would turn me into a sap?!

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