September 26, 2011

First day of school!

Kade's first day of PDO was on September 6th. Bryan was still off for baby vacation so we all took him on his first day. It was emotional and Kade cried a lot in his first day. We really haven't ever left him with anyone other than our parents so he is very attached to us. When we picked him up I peeked in the window and Ms. Donna was holding him and he was crying. It broke my heart. They said he loved art so they let him color a lot of the day :) On Thursday, drop off was ever harder because he knew what was going to happen. But at the end of the day when I picked him up they said he cried for about 5 minutes and then had a great day. By the end following week they told me he didn't just have a good day, he had FUN! It made me so happy to hear. Dropping him off in the mornings is still a bit sad, but he hasn't cried the past few times. He wants to then so I have to get really excited about seeing his teacher and friends and all is well! I am so happy and proud of my big boy!!!

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