September 26, 2011

My first day...

My first day alone with both kiddos went suprisingly well! I was EXHAUSTED by the end of the day, but we made it through!!! Now I am three weeks in on being by myself with them all day and we are *slowly* getting into a routine. I mean yes we are lucky if we make it out of the house by 11, or if I am showered and dressed for the day but we are making it. I know things only get easier so I am just trying to enjoy this crazy phase right now!

A few pictures from my first day alone!

Kade watched a little Mickey... 

While Ella hung out in the swing.

Then we all got dressed to go meet our friends at Milestone to play

All loaded up, my backseat is full!!

Ella played on her mat while Kade napped.

After naps, we busted out our new ride to go for a nice long walk.

At the end of our walk we stopped by the park and stayed until daddy got home.

It was a long fun day with my babies!!

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