November 15, 2011

Dear Ella

You are such a sweet girl. You are without a doubt the easiest baby on the planet. You love just to watch everything that is going on. You LOVE to be held and I love that too. We laugh because sometimes you just want us to sit and hold you all day, and as much as I would love that it just isn't a possibility. If you are in one of these moods, whenever we go to lay you down on your play mat you give us the most adorably pathetic fake cry ever. And the best part is that you do it BEFORE your back even hits the ground. It makes us laugh every time.

You smile ALL THE TIME. I seriously mean all the time. A girl who works in the kids club at the gym told me she can't get over how much you smile. Like I told you before, you are the easiest, happiest baby on the planet. You also "talk" all the time. You started this much earlier than I ever remember your big brother doing it. Your daddy says it it because you are a girl and it is just a sign of things to come :) I can't wait for you to talk all the time. I hope you tell me all your little secrets the same way I told my mom all of mine. The late nights I spent with my mom sitting on my bed talking are such great memories and I can't wait to do that with you.

Ella Claire, you are just a joy. I hope you continue your low maintenance ways because it makes a really really happy mommy and daddy  :) I love you sweet girl.

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