November 8, 2011


Time for a random post about my kids :)

Kade is full of all sorts of funny expressions and sayings these days. Last night at dinner he looked at me and asked, "Can we go get on the big airplane and go back to Paris?" I know he probably doesn't even know what Paris is or remember the fact that he has been there, but we were talking about it the other day and told him about flying there on an airplane. No worries Kade I am on board to go back to Paris, now we just have to get Daddy on board too :)

The other day he was playing in his room and he started shouting for me to get in there and see his Sandcastle he built. When I walked in I saw this and "he said look how pretty my sandcastle is!" I love his little (BIG!) imagination.

And some very random pictures of my cuties from my phone!

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