December 5, 2011

Ella- 3 months old


I can not even believe you are 3 months old. It feels like just yesterday that we found out I was pregnant with you. You have taught me so much in these past three months. It is crazy how you are already your very own little person. Just a few things I have learned about you these past 3 months:

  • You are so laid back
  • You love to smile
  • Your laugh is contagious, but you make us work really hard for that laugh. 
  • You are a great sleeper like your brother, sleeping anywhere from 11-13 hours at night. You fit right in with the rest of the family, we all love our sleep.
  • Now that you are rolling, you prefer to sleep on your stomach. It makes me so nervous. I sat and watched the monitor for probably three nights straight. I kept flipping you over and before I could even get back to my room you  were back on your belly, silly girl. 
  • You are a thumb sucker. Looks like we are 2 for 2 in that department. It is adorable to hear you smacking on your thumb. 
  • You love bath time. You go crazy kicking your legs as fast as you can. More often than not I can get a laugh out of you during bathtime. 
  • You HATE being cold. I mean HATE it. After bath I wrap you up in a towel and know that the moment I lotion you up and put pj's on you, you are going to scream at the top of your lungs until you are warm again.
  • You have the same pouty lip as Kade. I love it. About 95% of the time I say your full name (Ella Claire) you do the pouty lip. Maybe it means you don't like your name. I hope that's not the case though because you are stuck with it. 
  • It only took us about a week of work but you are now finally on a good daytime nap schedule, and I love that.
  • You are a spitter like your brother. It's not my favorite thing, but it could be worse. 
  • You cry everytime I put a bow on your head. Hate to break it to you sister, that is one thing I won't budge on :)
I love you more than you will ever know precious girl :) XOXO

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