May 8, 2012

Ella Claire- 7 & 8 months

I am WAY behind. We have a lot going on right now. Selling our house, buying a new one, and a possible move halfway across the country. It is all exciting, and scary, and stressful. But this poor blog has been very neglected. But in the meantime Ella turned 7 months! And then a few days ago she turned 8 months! Time is flying!!!

By 7 months she was:
  • crawling everywhere
  • eating all fruits and veges, even trying some table food
  • still loving big bro and getting into all of his things
  • giving hugs and kisses
By 8 months she was:
  •  Pulling up on everything
  • begining to cruise up and down the couch
  • putting everything in her mouth
  • babbling all the time. Her favorite thing to scream is "dadadadadabababdadabababa" maybe she will be saying "dada" and "baba" soon!

Love you sweet baby girl!

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