May 8, 2012

Potty time

Like I said before, we have A LOT going on right now. But Kade decided to add one more (pretty big) thing to our list. Potty training. I won't go into all the nitty gritty because no one wants to hear about that, and even reading back once I print these books I won't want to read those details. But just a little bit of how it all went down.

Everyone said he was ready. I ignored everyone. Yes, I saw the signs. But I have a 2 year old and a 8 month old on a daily basis, diapers are easier. I was also not doing the entire "never leave your house for a week and they stay by your side at all times" thing. Let's face it, that is NOT realistic. So I just ignored it. I heard the awesome stories of people saying their kids potty trained themselves. That was music to my ears! That was the route I decided to take. Wait until the are old enough and then it is easy breezy, not accidents every 5 minutes. ( I consider myself pretty conservative, but my thoughts on potty training are very much of the hippie mindset.) Plus, on top of all that Kade is JUST NOW at the age when his pediatrician said most kids are ready. So honestly, I was thinking it might even be another year!

Little man had a mind of his own. And he was one of the awesome kids that "potty trained themselves." He DID have some help. His wonderful mother's day out teacher has worked very hard at getting those kids to use the potty. She TOTALLY got the ball rolling for us. WE DID NOTHING. Lazy parents, I guess. The one day last week he told his teacher he had to go. This was new, normally he just went if it was time according to the clock. Him asking to go was a huge step. Slowly over the next several days he was doing it at home. 100 % of the time. Finally I told Bryan we should take the plunge, go full monty, big boy undies and all. And let me just say we are on day 5 and he has not had one single accident. NOT ONE. The little dude has totally blown us away. There have been a few near misses, but so far so good. Now I understand he will have accidents and what not. But for his first (almost) week of wearing undies and having zero accidents, I'd say we are off to a good start.

I have been afraid to say anything, thinking I would jinx it. But he totally grasps the concept now. It is amazing! (Well, public restrooms are not amazing, but you know what I mean.) I am so proud of my POTTY TRAINED BOY!

No pictures to add, I wouldn't dare do that to my sweet baby awesome big boy :)

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