April 14, 2013

EC goes to the ER

I feel like your child's first visit to the ER is baby book worthy. All parents end up taking their kid to the emergency room for one reason or another. Luckily we have only had minor trips to the er.

Last Thursday, Ella was pretty sick and in the evening her fever spiked to 104.6. That scared me to death, I called the on call nurse and she told us it would be best to take her to the er due to high fever and a few other things. So we dropped Kade off with my parents and off Bryan and I went to Cook Children's. When we got there it was a MAD HOUSE. We waited and waited and literally in the time we were sitting there Ella was getting better and better. After 4 HOURS in the waiting room we talked to a nurse who checked her oxygen levels and lungs and said she was fine. So we left. They said we were at least several more hours away from seeing a dr.

Bryan and I just decided that since she was better and her lungs were clear there was no reason to wait hours longer to see a dr. It was awful. I'm just happy my little girl is fine. I will not go back to Cook's er. They need to do some major reorganization of their ER. It was pretty ridiculous.

Bless her heart!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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