April 27, 2013

Europe Day 1

We just got home from a whirlwind 9 day, 3 country trip to Europe. It was seriously the best trip we have ever been on. I have been wanting to visit Germany for a long time and it did not disappoint. It was so much better than I could have ever imagined. Every place we went to I felt like I needed to pinch myself because it just didn't seem real. I am breaking the trip up into posts by days like I normally do because there is no way to possibly combine all this in one post.

Day One. The dreaded travel day. Long flights are never fun, and long flights with two small children seem like a daunting task. We arrived at the airport three hours early, mainly because we were ready and bored, and we thought we would grab some lunch and just hang out until it was time to go. Well, I am soooooooo glad we got there early. When we arrived we noticed the check in line had so many people. We quickly learned that American Airlines had a system wide shut down. All computers were shut down and all flights were grounded. They had no clue when everything would be up and running again. All I could think was "our long day just got longer". We sat in line and waited for THREE and a HALF HOURS! 3.5 hours with a reallllllly excited 3 year old and a realllllly hungry and tired 1 year old. And I really can't complain. They were so good, they ate some pb&j's I had packed, watched bubble guppies and mickey mouse, and after a while Ella fell asleep in the baby carrier. It wasn't terrible and to give AA some credit, they did a great job of keeping everyone informed and passing out waters, etc.

Once we made it through check in, we grabbed a quick bite to eat and went to our gate. Our flight was delayed 2 hours but by the time we made it to the gate we only had to wait a few minutes to board. The flight was about half empty so we bet a lot of people missed it because they were still standing in the long line to check in. We were just so thankful to be on the flight, and with good seats! We had 4 bulk head seats! We took off, they served dinner, I changed the kids into their pj's and said it was bed time and they both slept for the next 7 hours straight and woke up an hour before landing. The steward slipped Bryan and I some extra wine because he said we needed it, so we toasted to a great trip! And a great trip it was!

Off we go on a crazy adventure!

Had to document the fact that our delay made CNN's front page. 

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