May 6, 2013

Europe Day 5- Czech us out!

On day 5, we packed our bags and headed to Prague, Czech Republic! (P.S. I have had the title of this post in my head for a good 2 months now. I know, I'm awesome.)

We were sad to say goodbye to Nuremberg because we loved our time there, but we were so excited to see what Prague was all about! We had a 3 hour bus ride, and it was the fastest three hours ever. The scenery the entire way was breathtaking so it was nice to just sit back and relax fora  few hours. Once we made it to Prague, checked in to our hotel, we were off to see this beautiful city! This was the only day it rained on our trip, but it didn't really bother us. It sprinkled most of the day and only once did it rain hard. Our first stop was the Old Town Square. It was GORGEOUS. This is where we ate dinner that night and we would come back several more times on our time in Prague. We saw the famous Astronomical Clock, and then walked over to the Charles Bridge to check that out. I loved walking across the bridge, hearing the jazz band play, and seeing the Prague Castle high up on the hill. It was pretty perfect.

Ok, we saw a line of people rubbing this statue on the Charles Bridge. We had no (and still don't have a) clue as to why. But no worries, we rubbed it anyway! 

The streets of Prague felt very Parisian to us.

It was cold and rainy so we made a pit stop for some Czech beer. And ice cream for the kids!

This is the John Lennon wall. It was on our pull out map from our Prague book, and Bryan didn't understand why it was a big deal. Just a tribute to John Lennon. I had to go see it, why? Because I saw on the Bachlorette  last summer that they visited this wall. Needless to say, Bryan hasn't let me live it down :)

We tried these super amazing traditional pastries. My mouth is watering thinking about them.. 


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