May 7, 2013

Europe Day 6- Czech us out part 2

On our second day in Prague we had GORGEOUS weather. First up we went out to see the Prague Castle and St Vitus Cathedral. We saw it from the river the day before, so we couldn't wait to get up there! This was one of my favorite things we did in Prague. I LOVE being able to explore things and picturing what it really used to be like. Like when we went to the ballroom and the first thing I thought about was wearing a tight corset ballroom gown and dancing. (Bryan said I was a typical girl because in the ballroom it took a good five minutes to figure out what the room was and I was already waltzing around in my head :)) We explored all the parts of the castle, and killed time before we could get in to the cathedral.

This area of the Castle was called Golden Lane. It was a mini "town" set up where the choosen blacksmiths, seamstress, etc would live. It was really fun to look in all the one room houses. We also went down underneath the houses to where the dungeon was, there were all sorts of torture items that were used back in the day. It was creepy :)

The walls right outside the castle had the most breathtaking view of the city. 

Once Mass was finished, we were able to go inside the Cathedral. It was CROWDED, but gorgeous nonetheless. 

After we left the Castle, we stopped for lunch and then explored the old Jewish Quarter. 

The old Jewish cemetery was unbelievable. It was grave on top of grave.  

While Kade napped, we headed back tot he Old Town square for a drink and to sit for a little bit. There was a celtic band playing, and it was just perfect!

This picture makes us laugh. We were walking and Kade saw this statue and told us to stop because he NEEDED to run around it 12 times. SO that's exactly what he did, then climbed to the top and showed off his muscles :)

There were a bunch of swans always swimming in the river. Kade got confused and thought we said they were "swams," and called them that the rest of the time. So did we :) We saw some people feeding them so we let Kade and Ella see if they liked goldfish!

For dinner, we had THE BEST view ever. I mean seriously the best. 

He was in heaven!

YOu had to squeeze down this ally to get to the restaurant where we ate!

 I so loved this day, and LOVED Prague!

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