November 4, 2013

Day of adventure

On Saturday, Bryan and I both woke up and decided we wanted to do something fun and adventurous.  Where we are the leaves are in their "peak week" for color changing and it is just to gorgeous to sit home and waste it! We first stopped in Alexandria for some shopping and lunch. We also wandered around killing time while the oil was being changed in the car. The leaves were all colors of the rainbow, the air was crisp, the setting was perfect. We ended up wandering into a church because the lawn was so pretty. When we walked inside a lady working there asked if we had any questions, we said no that we wanted to look around. She then gave us some history. This particular church had been George Washington's church. As well as Robert E. Lee's church and he was confirmed there. Also, the day after Pearl Harbor, FDR and Winston Churchill attended a day of prayed at this church. Bryan and I just think it is so crazy that this random little church we happened upon had SO MUCH HISTORY. We are learning that where we live now, that is just the case everywhere. And honestly, the history major in me just can't handle it. I want to learn and see everything that I possibly can!


Kade and I taking a seat in George Washington's family pew!

We loaded back in the car and decided to drive around northern Maryland. We looked up some scenic drives and decided to go on one that went by three historic covered bridges. It was GORGEOUS! I could tell that the northern part of the state had already passed their "peak week" for the leaves changing, but it still didn't mean it wasn't beautiful! We drove and saw the bridges and then through a state park. We were kicking ourselves that we didn't wear or bring clothes to go hike around in, but there is always next time!

I've said it once and I'll say it again, we are soaking up every last bit of Fall here on the East Coast. It is better than I could have ever imagined. And from what I hear, our dark cold days of winter will be here before we know it!

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