November 4, 2013

Halloween 2013

Halloween this year was perfect! The kids school wasn't doing any big celebrations so we skipped and I took he kids to the Smithsonian's Discovery Theater that morning for a Halloween Dance Party! It was FUN! Both kids were just as I expected, Kade was shy and clung to my side and Ella was ALL about it. She danced and danced and danced some more!

We picniced on the lawn of the Mall and then loaded up to come home for naps and to gear up for our big night of trick or treating. Last minute Bryan had car trouble that required him to rent a car so we all kind of scrambled getting costumes on, pictures taken, wagon ready, etc to leave in a hurry. We rented to the car and off we were to trick or treat! The kids had  BLAST! They ran and ran until their little feet could take no more. We loaded in the wagon and headed home! It was a fun fun night! I love that both of my little people are old enough now to take part in these fun holidays! It is double the fun watching them!

I had to beg him for this one picture. He was a big blur all night. Too much candy, too little time!

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