December 10, 2013

Christmas in NYC!

This past weekend we made a quick trip to New York! Visiting was one of the first things on my agenda since the move, we are only a 4 hour drive away! It was my first time and I have mixed feelings about it. I LOVED that it was decorated for Christmas and we saw so many things I have dreamed about seeing but it was SO crowded that it made me claustrophobic. Crowded as in someone in front, behind, and touching both my shoulders EVERY WHERE WE WENT. I couldn't get away from people and felt rushed. I couldn't "take in" the city the way I like to when we travel. I just feel like I need to give New York another chance. This is their high season for tourists and a local told me to come back in May. I also want to go back kid free, we have been to a lot of big cities and this was hands down the hardest to get around in with kids. It sounds like I am complaining and that's not the case because in the end we really loved New York and had a great trip, we both just want to experience it not in the "high season." Heck, we never ever travel in the high season anywhere so this was a new experience for us both.We like to blend in and not be in a giant herd moving from tourist attraction to tourist attraction. :)

We made it to Times Square, saw it, and would be perfectly ok never going back. As my mom says, it reminded me of a Circus!

Next time I go back, I want to visit the Today show while its filming!

It was POURING! But not crowded because of it! I loved seeing tree!

There was no sharing with this girl, she finished it off herself!

Visiting Serendipity was top on my list. I didn't make reservations so I knew it probably wasn't likely. We walked up and it was a THREE HOUR wait. And I'm not going to say how but short story is, my husband is awesome and we were seated in less than 10 minutes from the time we walked up. No wait for us! Visiting was probably one of the highlights of our trip!

Had to put this in here. This lady wouldn't stop photobombing. This was probably the third time I moved Ella and every time she wandered in to her picture. HA!

Top of the Empire State building! Another highlight!

We spent extra on the fast passes and walked straight to the front of the line. Best money ever spent, we found out that people had been in line for 2 hours and 45 minutes! 

Statue of Liberty! We both underestimated how much we were going to like this! We loved it! And this is all Kade talked about wanting to do so we had to go!

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