December 9, 2013

Williamsburg VA

My mom came in town during the week of Thanksgiving. We had a great time lounging, eat, sleeping, shopping, and ever squeezed in a few adventures! We had our traditional Thanksgiving meal on Wednesday. And then on Thanksgiving we loaded up and drove to Williamsburg Virginia to explore and have a traditional Thanksgiving in an old Tavern! We LOVED Williamsburg! We really want to make another trip out there because there was so much to see and do!! We explored the old Colonial Town and then had dinner reservations at Chownings Tavern. Everyone was dressed in Colonial garb, and we enjoyed a great dinner! It was a really great day and week!

My mom helped me set up my sitting area while she was here! Before and after!

Wednesday night, enjoying our pre-Thanksgiving feast!

Funny story, Kade kept telling us he couldn't wait to have turkey on Thanksgiving. The problem was, we were having prime rib, not turkey. On Wednesday morning he woke up SO excited about having turkey. He even told us that if there wasn't turkey he would be reallllly sad. (This kid!!) So what did we do? We ran to the grocery store and picked up a rotisserie chicken and passed it off as the turkey. He even watched us "carve" it. Right here he was saying "mmmm mmmm this is a good turkey leg!" HAHA!

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